The Energy Community (EnC) has launched the implementation of a project to create an electronic system for guarantees of origin in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, Kosovo, North Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro and Ukraine.Guarantees of origin (GOs) are electronic documents proving to final consumers that a specific quantity of electricity was produced from renewable energy sources.
The Secretariat’s Director Artur Lorkowski said that guarantees of origin can be a real game changer by driving new renewables investment.
On top of that, it will give the contracting parties a head start in implementing the Renewable Energy Directive, one of the key elements of the newly adopted Clean Energy Package.
The aim of the project is to put in place an electronic system to manage the issuance, transfer and cancellation of guarantees of origin in line with EU rules and principles. The system will enable each contracting party to have its own national register, while being able to trade GOs regionally.
Following a public tender procedure in 2021, Grexel Ltd, part of EEX Group, was selected to support the project’s implementation.
Serbia is the only contracting party that has already established an electronic system for GOs.