Hidroelektrane na Trebisnjici, a subsidiary of
power utility ERS, will retroactively, from 1
January 2024, resume payments of
compensation for the submerged land by the
Bileca lake to the municipality of Niksic in
Montenegro, finally resolving an issue that has
lasted for 30 years. An initiative has been launched to use the water from the lake for the water supply of Niksic.
These are the concrete results of the meeting
between the Ministers of Energy of Montenegro
and the Republic of Srpska (RS), Sasa Mujovic and Petar Djokic. The meeting, held in Trebinje, also included representatives from EPCG and ERS.
Montenegrin Minister Mujovic said that direct
benefit of the meeting is that the two sides
agreed to resume the payment of compensation for the submerged land, or rather that the municipality of Niksic will continue to collect the fee, which amounts to about 600,000 euros per year.