Traded volume on the day-ahead market of the Hungarian energy exchange HUPX in March 2023 reached 2.18 million MWh, which is 1% more compared to 2.17 million MWh in February and 7% less than in March 2022 (2.76 million MWh).
Average daily traded volume in last month amounted to 70,424 MWh.
The average price of electricity on day-ahead market amounted to 113.3 euros/MWh in March 2023 , which is 23% lower compared to the previous month, when average baseload price amounted to 146.2 euros/MWh. Average HUPX DAM peak price amounted to 117.3 euros/MWh in March, 25% lower compared to January peak price.
Total traded volume on the intraday market amounted to 454,858 MWh in March 2023, 24 % more compared to the previous month. Average daily traded volume on the intraday market amounted to 14,673 MWh. Average price for the hourly product amounted to 115.67 euros/MWh in March, 21 % less compared to the previous month.