After the European Commission adopted a set of measures that members states can apply to help citizens cope with rising energy prices, many EU countries have already opted for some of these measures and have already diverted money from their budgets to implement them.
In the meantime, Croatia has capped retail fuel prices. Now, the Government plans to introduce measures aimed at alleviating the current situation, and they will primarily relate to measures in the segment of price control and deferral of payment. There is also the option with the introduction of vouchers, which can be financed from social benefits as part of social policy. Ministry of Economy said that the introduction of some of these measures is possible if the price situation worsens.
Regarding the increase in gas prices for companies in the Zagreb area, the Ministry of Economy is monitoring the situation and, if necessary, will provide the necessary measures to alleviate the pressure on the competitiveness of the economy, taking care not to distort competition. In Croatia, there is guaranteed gas supply in the event that the supplier for some reason ceases to perform its activity, which is an element of security of supply, while everything else is in the domain of the market.