Bosnian state-owned power utility EPBiH has submitted an environmental impact assessment (EIA) study to the Federal Ministry of Environment and Tourism, outlining plans to develop a wind farm with an installed capacity of approximately 90 MW.
The proposed Bitovnja wind farm will be situated on a mountain ridge in the municipality of Konjic, about 30 kilometers west of Sarajevo, at an elevation of over 1,500 meters. The project involves the installation of 15 wind turbines, each with a maximum capacity of 7 MW. However, the specific turbine model has not yet been selected, meaning the final capacity of the wind farm will depend on the chosen equipment.
Despite the challenging terrain and harsh winter conditions at the proposed site, EPBiH notes that the area has been earmarked for wind energy exploration as part of Bosnia and Herzegovina’s spatial plan for 2008-2027. The utility first submitted a request for an environmental permit to the Federal Ministry of Environment and Tourism in 2017. In 2018, the German development bank (KfW) provided non-repayable funding of 1.1 million euros to support the project’s preparation.