The price of electricity in Serbia next year should be determined by the Energy Agency, instead of the Government of Serbia, which it now works. Thus, at least, the Draft Law on Energy, which will soon enter the parliamentary procedure. In this way, the pricing of electricity would no longer supposed to be a political decision, but the calculation of actual costs.
From 1 April, when the current is harder, in Serbia, an average of 15 percent, consumers in Montenegro have started to pay by 2.7 percent cheaper. Because, in this country is the Energy Regulatory Agency to reduce the price of 7.54 eurocents per kilowatt for the completion of cross-subsidization. During this time, the average price in Serbia was 6.6 euro cents per kilowatt–hour. But, despite the relatively low price of electricity in our country, its any cheaper almost no one remembers.
According to European Union requirements, the controlled prices in our need as soon as possible to become a market. Only to households and small customers other option pricing under special conditions. The electricity market should be fully open 2015th year, and will then be free to establish prices. Until then, the new energy law that the Agency determines predivida price lists for domestic and other small appliances. The economy and other qualified buyers will be able to choose from which will supply electricity, but from 2013. year.
The Energy Agency believe that the government take responsibility for any increase in the prices of electricity, but is unlikely to be able to function just the first January next year.
– Thus, the Serbian government will be in a position lagodnijoj – said Ljubo Macic, President of the Council of the agency. – be determined only when the price of electricity is passed the law, and all laws which shall regulate this area. Processing parameters for change in the price of electricity will last longer than before, a practice whenever regulatory authorities around the world decide.
Experts believe that opening markets mig
ht affect the increase in electricity prices in Serbia. Because the tariffs would be formed in the countries in the region, which is already kilowatt–hour by 60 percent more expensive.