Average electricity prices for negative deviations (short position) C’neg on the Slovenian balancing market in 2022 ranged from EUR 215.38 per MWh in April to EUR 538.37 per MWh in August, the electricity market operator Borzen announced. Balance energy prices for positive deviations (long position) C’poz ranged from 145.84 euros per MWh in April to 372.92 euros per MWh in August.
The largest difference between the C’neg and C’poz positions, as well as the highest average values, were recorded in August – 165.44 euros per MWh, and the smallest difference and average value in November – 50.14 euros per MWh, adds Borzen.
The average difference between C’neg and C’poz positions in 2022 was 90.71 euros per MWh, while the average difference in 2021 was 48.86 euros per MWh.
The statement added that the average monthly SIPX index – the electricity market indicator on the Slovenian day-ahead market of the BSP exchange – was 273.72 euros per MWh in 2022, compared to 114.6 euros per MWh in 2021.