According to the report on Slovenia’s National Energy and Climate Plan (NECP), the measures to promote renewable energy should include removing administrative barriers and improving the regulatory framework, while the measures on supporting energy efficiency should be focused on building renovation and industrial processes.
The European Commission (EC) said that Slovenia has to consider providing measures for supporting investments in renewable energy, sustainable transport and energy efficiency.
According to the Commission, Slovenia’s national contribution to the 2030 EU-wide renewable energy target of 27 % of gross final energy consumption is low in ambition since it is below the 37% target for the country. In its NECP, Slovenia plans to produce at least 75 % of its electricity consumption from national sources by 2030, intending to maintain or improve the present reliability level of its electricity supply.
The EC added that while a total of 21 member states are either already coal-free, or have committed to phasing-out coal by specific individual deadlines, Slovenia along with the Czech Republic, is still considering coal phase-out.
In June 2019, the EC issued eleven recommendations on Slovenia’s draft national energy and climate plan, and has assessed that the final NECP has partially addressed most of the recommendations, including those on greenhouse gas emissions in non-ETS sectors, renewables, energy efficiency, energy subsidies and regional cooperation.