Slovenian sole nuclear power plant Krsko was taken offline on 1 April for regular maintenance under its 18-month cycle. The plant said that it has successfully reconnected to the network and it will gradually increase its power output in the following days.
In its 31st cycle, the power plant produced 8.57 TWh of electricity, which is 1.84 % more than planned. Last year, for the second time in its operational life, NPP Krsko exceeded the production of 6 TWh electricity, and the power plant’s availability indicator was 99.6 %. Next regular overhaul is scheduled for autumn of 2022.
NPP Krsko is owned by GEN Energija and Croatian power utility HEP, where the two companies own equal stakes. NPP Krsko was put in commercial operation in 1983 and it should be in operation until 2023, but both countries are planning to extend plant’s operational life by additional 20 years. The plant provides approximately 40 % of Slovenia’s total electricity output.