The Ajdovscina project is a milestone that could serve as a model. The Ajdovscina municipality in western Slovenia has set up the first communal solar power plant for local electricity supply, with seven households involved in the pilot project. The pilot project by energy group GEN-I and the municipality uses the roof of a public building, a primary school in the village of Budanje, to supply electricity to seven households. GEN-I Director Robert Golob said that this is the first such community project, which allows people to come up with their own solar plant, not on their roofs, which perhaps they don’t even have, but on the roof of a public building. The company funded and implemented the project. Local residents were then offered to lease the solar modules from GEN-I.
The 55.68 kW solar plant is expected to generate more than 58,000 kWh of electricity per year. Another such facility is planned on the roof of the Ajdovscina community health center. This project will bring together a larger community, up to 30 users.
GEN-I has been discussing such community projects with a number of municipalities. According to Golob, there are a lot of roofs on public buildings in Slovenia that could be used this way.