September 8, 2024
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HomeSEE Energy NewsMontenegro: Volume of electricity trade reached three million euros

Montenegro: Volume of electricity trade reached three million euros

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Bearing in mind that open markets facilitate the integration of renewable energy sources (RES) into the network, and that the EU sees all “day ahead” markets as one of the bases on which the green transition and decarbonization will be implemented, it is to be expected
that this new offer will domestic energy sector to have an effect in the direction of additional investments in the field of energy, specifically in RES, emphasized the executive director of the Electricity Exchange, Matija Medojević.

In the first month since the day-ahead market started on the Montenegrin Electricity Exchange, a turnover of around three million euros was achieved. The Executive Director of the Electricity Exchange, Matija Medojević, expects that the start of the “day ahead” market will lead to additional investments in the field of energy.

He said that the price formed on the Montenegrin exchange will serve as a price signal for all those interested in any economic and energy investments in Montenegro.

As of May 24th, turnover on the “day ahead” market is 33.19 thousand MWh or 2.94 million euros. In the first less than a month, the average turnover on the stock exchange was 1.14 thousand MWh per day, while the average price was 90.96 euros per MWh. Bearing in mind the experiences of other exchanges from the region at the very beginning of their functioning, we can point out that we are extremely satisfied with the turnover, and that there are all indications that it will only increase in the next period – Medojević said.


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