European Energy has received grid connection approvals for around 500 MW of solar and wind energy projects in Romania.
These consents bring the schemes closer to the ready-to-build stage and European Energy Romania’s total development pipeline now exceeds 1.5 GW of solar and wind sites.
The Danish developer is working to receive grid connection approvals for the remaining projects shortly.
“We consider Romania a very promising market,” said the head of European Energy’s Romania office Ioannis Kalapodas.
“The upcoming auction for Contract for Difference outlined in the Romanian renewable energy support scheme, totalling 5 GW, will unlock the implementation of more wind and solar projects.”
European Energy’s executive vice president and head of project development Thorvald Spanggaard added: “Securing 500 MW of grid connection approvals is a step towards achieving a leading position in the market.
“Romania can foster a new progressive stream of renewable energy development under the recently launched support scheme for Contracts for Difference.”