The Interim Coupling project was launched in December 2018 following the request of the relevant national regulatory authorities (NRAs) in order to further develop regional integration of day -ahead organized electricity markets. The project aimed to connect the borders of 4M MC (Czech- Slovak-Hungarian-Romanian market coupling) with the Multi-Regional Coupling (MRC) by introducing Net Transmission Capacity (NTC) based implicit capacity allocation on the above-mentioned six borders.
The successful new coupling is the result of the close cooperation among the Interim Coupling Project NEMOs (EPEX SPOT, EXAA, HUPX, Nord Pool EMCO, OKTE, OPCOM, OTE, TGE)and TSOs (50Hertz, APG, CEPS, MAVIR, PSE, SEPS, TenneT DE, Transelectrica), together with the respective NRAs (ANRE, BNetzA, E-Control, ERU, MEKH, URE, URSO).
This NTC-based market coupling represents a major step towards the achievement of European Single Day-ahead Coupling. The next step consists of the introduction of the flow-based capacity calculation method in the framework of the Core Flow-Based Market Coupling project, which is the target model for day-ahead market coupling.