The new go-live date for the Core Flow-Based Market Coupling project will be 20 April 2022 (trading day for delivery of electricity on 21 April 2022).
Planned market coupling of the day-ahead markets of CROPEX and HUPX is part of the CORE project and will change the allocation of the daily capacity on the Croatian – Hungarian border, in a way that it will be allocated through a market coupling mechanism and involved power exchanges. With the implementation of the CORE project, daily capacity for market coupling on the Croatian – Slovenian border will be calculated using the flow-based method.
The project parties involved in the day-ahead Core Flow-Based Market Coupling project (Core FB MC) communicated on 19 November 2021 the delay of Core FB MC, due to external dependencies delaying a timely start of the first phase of Core Joint Integration Testing and technical issues encountered during the first weeks of testing.
The first phase of joint regional testing (Full Integration Testing – FIT) finished successfully on 13 January 2022. The FIT testing, focused on
functionality between all systems involved in the FB MC process, has proven that the given solution is able to perform the FB MC process.
The next phase of the testing (Simulation Integration Testing – SIT) has started on 17 January 2022 and is expected to run until the end
of February 2022. The SIT testing is focused on testing the joint operational procedures to prove, that the solution is capable of facilitating the daily operational process.