Due to poor hydrological conditions electricity production has decreased in North Macedonia and the Government said the country is forced to import electricity in order to meet domestic consumption.
The statement from the Government said that, given that according to all indicators and comparative averages in the past 15 years, 2020 is extremely bad in terms of hydrological conditions, and due to more intensive work of hydropower plants in recent months due to problems at TPP Bitola, the water level at the accumulations is nearing the technical minimum and any further usage will endanger the ecological minimum, necessary for the wildlife preservation.
According to the annual operational plan of power utility ESM, at the beginning of the heating season when the demand for electricity has increased, it was planned to bring online TPP Oslomej. However, at this moment the thermal power plant can not be put into operation due low water level of the Studencica river, which provides water for the cooling tower. Two units of TPP Bitola are currently in operation, while the third unit is undergoing maintenance works.
Therefore, a conclusion was reached that ESM, through its subsidiary ELEM Trade, will start to buy and sell electricity, depending on the energy exchange prices and the price of the universal supplier EVN Home, in order to protect the interest of the citizens for maintaining the price for households at a stable level.