North Macedonian electricity market operator MEMO launched a day-ahead electricity exchange on Monday, May 10. On the first day of operation, 500 MWh of electricity was traded on the day-ahead market, with an average price of 115.7 euros/MWh, MEMO CEO Simon Sutinsoki said. There are 22 participants registered on the Macedonian day-ahead market.
Deputy Prime Minister Fatmir Bitici said that by actively buying and selling electricity on the day-ahead market, the country would get the wholesale reference price of electricity instead of relying on the HUPX price.
The exchange is expected to be liquid from the first day. MEMO, the nominated electricity market operator, is responsible for its launch and operation. Trading will be conducted only within North Macedonia, until the first market coupling with an exchange in a neighbouring country, with plans to introduce an intraday market at a later date.