In July 2024, the average price of electricity on the day-ahead market of Hungary’s HUPX energy exchange surged to €135.54/MWh, marking a 48% increase from June’s average baseload price of €91.72/MWh. The average peak price on the day-ahead market also rose significantly, reaching €106.09/MWh—50% higher than June’s peak price.
Traded volume on the day-ahead market increased by 7% compared to June, reaching 2.91 million MWh, and was 43.3% higher than the volume traded in July 2023 (2.03 million MWh). The average daily traded volume for July was 90,979 MWh.
On the intraday market, total traded volume decreased by 19% from the previous month, totaling 651,392 MWh. The average daily traded volume on the intraday market was 21,013 MWh. The average price for hourly products on the intraday market was €115.75/MWh, up 23% from June.