The total value of transactions in February amounted to 81.68 million euros, which is 24.7 % higher than in the previous month (108.48 million euros). Average daily traded volume in February amounted to 70,318.4 MWh. The average price of electricity on day-ahead market of the Hungarian energy exchange HUPX amounted to 39.85 euros/MWh in February 2019, which is 24.76 % lower compared to the previous month, when average baseload price amounted to 52.96 euros/MWh. Average HUPX DAM peak price amounted to 44.26 euros/MWh in February, 26.98 % lower compared to January peak price. Traded volume in February reached 2.039 million MWh, which is 0.44 % less than in January (2.048 million MWh) .