Liquefied natural gas terminal in Alexandroupoli in northeastern Greece has drawn enough interest to ensure the project’s sustainability ahead of a final investment decision after a second-round market test offering capacity reservations for the future.
The deadline for this binding market test expires on 20 March, following a brief extension granted in order to give Romanian Romgaz more time to confirm the duration and quantity of its offer.
According to sources, Greek Public Gas Corporation DEPA and Public Power Corporation PPC have reserved the terminal’s capacities for lengthy periods. Bulgarian state-owned natural gas transmission system operator Bulgartransgaz and a Serbian company Srbijagas are also believed to have confirmed earlier requests for capacity reservations.
The Bulgarian, Serbian and Romanian interest highlights the potential of the Alexandroupoli LNG terminal to serve as a new natural gas gateway for markets in southeastern Europe, via the Greek-Bulgarian gas interconnection, which is currently under construction, as well as other existing and planned gas pipelines in the region.