Greek Ministry of Energy in expected to announce the country’s first energy storage auction at the end of the first quarter of 2023, with capacities offered ye to be determined.
The authorities initially planned to evenly split the 900 to 1,000 MW capacity between the two auctions, but are now considering the option of allocating much larger capacity portion for the first auction.
In addition, the officials have yet to decide on the licensing maturity level investors behind storage units will need to have reached in order to be able to participate in these auctions. Investors may be required to have obtained finalized connection terms to be considered eligible for the energy storage auctions, a prerequisite that applies for renewable energy facilities and their respective auctions.
The Government plans to allocate a sum of 200 million euros as support for energy storage projects.
Regarding energy storage projects for which permits have already been issued, 62 projects or 22 % of the total, are planned to have capacities over 100 MW. Of these, 16 projects will have capacity of more than 200 MW, the largest of these reaching 300 MW.