A list of twelve energy-storage projects that won the bidding in an auction staged by the Regulatory Authority for Waste, Energy and Water (RAAEY), are being promoted by a total of seven successful participants.
Helleniq Energy and Intra Energy (Intrakat) are each behind three of these 12 projects, PPC Renewables bid successfully for two projects, while Aenaos (Mytilineos), Energiaki Techniki Anaptyxiaki, Energy Bank, and one energy community bid successfully for one energy storage project each.
RAAEY is expected to officially announce the details of the twelve winning projects, to share roughly 400 MW, following a board meeting on Thursday.
The lowest bid, 34,000 euros per MWh, for a year, was submitted by Helleniq Energy and the highest, 64,000 euros per MW, for a year, was lodged by Intra Energy, Energypress reports.