Renewable energy units with an overall capacity of nearly 7.5 GW are connected to Greek distribution network operator DEDDDIE/HEDNO’s grid, both its interconnected and non-interconnected systems, according to data included in the operator’s grid development program for 2024 to 2028, which has been forwarded for consultation.
In particular, at the end of 2023, the interconnected system’s capacity of operating RES units amounted to 6,049 MW (medium voltage) and 1,496 MW (low voltage), while the non-interconnected system’s capacity (medium and low voltage) totalled 204,799 MW.
Solar energy systems represented the biggest capacity, by far, among RES technologies in the non-interconnected system, totalling 136.414 MW at the end of 2023, the DEDDDIE/HEDNO data showed. Wind farms followed with a total capacity of 25.985 MW in the non-interconnected system, reports.