A smart grid pilot project worth 24 million euros aimed at the digitalization of a part of electricity distribution network (five of its 21 distribution areas), was launched by Croatian electricity distribution system operator HEP ODS, thus creating preconditions for the integration of new energy sources.
The agreement on this project was signed in July 2018.
The smart grids pilot system will be backed by a 20.3 million euros grant from the European Regional Development Fund and funds in the amount of 3.7 million euros provided by the operator of electricity distribution system HEP ODS. Along with that, HEP ODS will invest additional 7 million euros in the introduction of smart grids. The grant agreement has been signed by Minister of Environmental Protection and Energy Tomislav Coric, Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund Director Dubravko Ponos, and HEP ODS Director Nikola Sulentic. It was secured through the European Fund for Regional Development, as part of the Competitiveness and Cohesion Operational Program 2014-2022 (OPCC). This is the largest grant that HEP has obtained from EU funds so far. The smart grids pilot project refers to the digitalization of a part of electricity distribution network in Croatia. Advanced measuring infrastructure will be established and it will enable a more precise loss calculation, as well as locating areas with increased losses in the distribution network, monitoring electricity consumption, and active consumption management by end customers.