HOPS invited all interested participants in the electricity market to participate in the auction for the purchase of energy to cover transmission system losses via the CROPEX trading platform.
Bidding time: 15.12.2023. 10:00h do noon.
Technical specification:
Group 1:
• Delivery period: from 1.1.2024. at 00:00 hours to 31.12.2024. at 24:00 hours.
• Delivery capacity and profile: 5 MWh/h every day for the delivery period, from Monday – Sunday, from 00:00 hours to 24:00 hours. (43.920 MWh).
Group 2:
• Delivery period: from 1.1.2024. at 00:00 hours to 31.3.2024. at 24:00 hours.
• Delivery capacity and profile: 5 MWh/h every day for the delivery period, from Monday – Sunday, from 00:00 hours to 24:00 hours. ( 10.915 MWh).