According to Croatian media, 3.5 TWh of electricity was generated from renewable energy sources under the support scheme of the Croatian Energy Market Operator HROTE in 2021, with earnings amounting to 116 million euros.
Thus, HROTE, which provides subsidies for the production of electricity from renewable energy sources and cogeneration, managed to cover its loss of 49 million euros from 2020, ending 2021 with a surplus of some 67 million euros. In 2021, HROTE paid some 430 million euros in subsidies.
The losses recorded in 2020 were due to a drop in electricity prices during the pandemic. However, electricity prices have since skyrocketed, which boosted the operator’s revenues. At the end of the first quarter of 2022, HROTE recorded a surplus of some 65 million euros.
In 2021, a total of 3.5 TWh of electricity was generated from renewable energy sources subsidies under the HROTE’s support scheme. This amounted to 35 % of the total electricity generation in Croatia in 2021.
Broken down by the type of renewables, more than a half was generated from wind farms (52 %), 17 % came from biomass power plants, 16 % from cogeneration plants and 10 % from biogas plants. Solar power plants had a 2 % share in the total electricity production covered by HROTE’s support scheme.