After gasification of the inner city area in Cacak it is planned to continue expanding distribution network in the surrounding villages, and major work will be the construction of the main pipeline from Preljina to Mrcajevci.
Big substation will be built in Mrcajevci from which should be supplied and future consumers in the villages on both sides of West Morava.
We predict that this project ,which is fully financed by ‘’Srbijagas’’, will be realized in the next two years. Our obligation is to resolve property ownership issues and, after selection of the strategic partners, provide the necessary logistical support- stated to Tanjug Radomir Kruscih,deputy major for local Government and infrastructure.
Gasification of Cacak started in 1997th ,when the city is connected to the main piping station in Baluga,to three years later ,this source began to be used, first for the central heating system and the hospital, and then in households.
In the past decade it was built about 290 kilometers of distribution network, but later,due to frequent price increases of gas, dropped the interest in its use, although the price of connection with  the original 960 reduced to 560 euros per household.
Therefore, the existing gas network in the city so far connected only 4572 households,or just every fifth, and some of them, the last heating season switched to the use of other energy.