The total trading volume on the day-ahead market of the Independent Bulgarian Energy Exchange IBEX in December 2022 was 185,635.45 MWh. It increased by 49% compared to 124,504 MWh, which was recorded in November, according to the monthly report of the stock exchange operator.
In a separate statement, IBEX points out that this represents the highest monthly trading volume since the launch of the exchange in 2018.
– The record volume of trade is a consequence of the complete integration of Bulgaria into the Single European Market within a day – a process that was completed by the market capping at the Greek border a month ago. This new channel opened for real-time trading through our southern neighbor and Italy to the rest of Europe has led to a reduction in market concentration, an increase in market depth, and for Bulgarian market participants there are now many more visible active orders that can be executed, Konstantin said. Konstantinov, general director of IBEX in a statement.
Other factors that positively influenced the development of the intraday market segment last year were the launch of 15-minute products and API trades.
According to IBEX data, the total volume of trading on the intraday market in 2022 amounts to 1.188 million MWh, which is three and a half times more compared to the period before the completion of the market coupling projects, according to the IBEX announcement.