A total of 2,596,312.2 MWh of electricity was traded on the day-ahead market of the Independent Bulgarian Energy Exchange (IBEX) in February 2025, representing a 6.5 percent decrease compared to the previous month. The average daily traded volume stood at 92,725.4 MWh. However, the traded volume was 9.7 percent higher than in February 2024.
The average baseload price in February was 156.45 euros per MWh, marking a 12.9 percent increase from January’s 138.53 euros per MWh. The average peak price reached 164.8 euros per MWh, rising by 6 percent.
There were 129 registered participants on the IBEX day-ahead market, one fewer than in the previous month.
On the intraday continuous market, 407,047.1 MWh was traded, an 8 percent increase compared to January. The average weighted price reached 158.02 euros per MWh, up by 15.2 percent. This was the highest recorded monthly traded volume on the intraday market.