Traded volume on the day-ahead market of the Independent Bulgarian Energy Exchange (IBEX) reached 2,476,457 MWh in March 2024, which is 5% more compared to the previous month. The average daily traded volume amounted to 79,885.7 MWh. Traded volume in March 2024 was 0.5% higher compared to the same month last year.
The average baseload price on the day-ahead market amounted to 63.37 euros/MWh, which is 9.5% lower compared to February (70 euros/MWh), while the average peak price was 60.29 euros/MWh.
There were 114 registered participants in the day-ahead market.
On the intraday market, 255,683.8 MWh was traded, with an average weighted price of 64.62 euros/MWh (-12%). This was the highest monthly traded volume on the intraday market recorded so far.