Bosnian state-owned power utility ERS said that it has hired German GOPA Intec International Energy Consultants for the provision of consultancy services for the project for the construction of wind farm Hrgud.
The statement from the company said that the consultant will be tasked with preparing the project documentation and supervision of the construction of the wind farm.
The construction of the wind farms was supposed to start last year, but it was delayed. In September 2020, the Ministry of Energy and Mining of the Republic of Srpska (RS) Petar Djokic and German Development Bank (KfW) agreed to accelerate some of the activities on the project. This should be the first wind farm in the Republic of Srpska.
Installed capacity of wind farm Hrgud will be 48 MW, with the annual generation of some 126 GWh of electricity. The total investment in this project is estimated at about 63.9 million euros, of which some 60 million euros will be provided through loans by KfW Bank. In September 2015, the investor, power utility ERS, signed the concession contract for the construction and operation of wind farm with RS Government.
In November 2017, an agreement with German KfW bank on the 60 million euros loan for the construction of Hrgud wind farm was signed. The loan has a repayment period of 15 years, with a grace period of four years. The loan agreement has been approved by the Parliament of RS in late 2016.