The new balancing market rules in Albania is in force as of 1 April 2021 introduce market based procurement of balancing services and imbalance price formation. This is another milestone in country’s electricity market reform.
Market participants can now offer balancing services in Albania, and may hedge their own balancing responsibility by creating or joining balance groups. This will be important in particular for independent hydro power producers, which became responsible parties for their imbalances with the creation of the balancing market as well. A balance group that integrates small HPPs in Albania would ensure efficient integration of these producers into the electricity market and allow them to optimize balancing costs. The Energy Community Secretariat will support HPPs and their counterparties in designing the most appropriate solutions. The entry into effect of the balancing market also opened the door for the resolution of a long-lasting dispute related to balancing responsibility between a private investor, Ashta HPP, and state owned electricity producer KESH, related to balancing responsibility. The negotiations between the two parties, with the mediation of the Energy Community, have started on 1 April.