In September 2024, the Independent Bulgarian Energy Exchange (IBEX) recorded a total of 2,369,644.8 MWh traded on its day-ahead market, marking a 0.7% decrease from August. However, this volume represents an 11% increase compared to the same month last year, with an average daily traded volume of 78,988.2 MWh.
The average baseload price for September was 106.94 euros/MWh, down 15.6% from July’s average of 126.7 euros/MWh. The average peak price also decreased, settling at 109.72 euros/MWh, a 7.4% drop. The market saw an increase in participation, with 123 registered participants, two more than the previous month.
On the intraday market, trading reached 282,064.5 MWh, a 10.7% increase, while the average weighted price fell by 16.1% to 108.32 euros/MWh.