The average day-ahead gas price on the Hungarian CEEGEX exchange has been continuously falling since mid-December. Thus, gas was traded for 128.55 euros per MWh, for delivery on December 14, while on January 3, 2023, the weighted average price fell to 70.8 euros per MWh.
The average price in the previous seven days is 73.7 euros per MWh. This is 17% less compared to the average price in the period from December 22 to 28, 2022, which was 88.8 euros per MWh.
The volume of trade records noticeable variations and in the last seven days it ranges from 41,000 to 85,000 MWh. In the middle of last month, the volume exceeded 100,000 MWh.
On the intraday market on CEEGEX, the last transactions were realized on January 2, and prices ranged from 68.3 to 74 euros per MWh. On the first day of the year, the price was around 66 euros.