Romanian electricity producer Nuclearelectrica, which operates the country’s sole nuclear power plant Cernavoda, has signed an agreement with Moldovan state-owned energy trader Energocom on the supply of electricity in January 2023.
According to the agreement, Nuclearelectrica will supply Energocom with 10 MWh of electricity at night and 30 MWh during daytime in January 2023, at a price of 91 euros/MWh.
Energocom estimates that in January 10 % of Moldova’s electricity consumption will be covered by Romanian suppliers. Of that 10 %, 40 % will be supplied by Nuclearelectrica, while the remaining 60 % will be purchased on the energy exchange OPCOM.
Roughly 60 % of Moldova’s electricity consumption will be provided by Dnestrovsk power plant in Transnistria, while 30 % of the consumption will be covered by local thermal and RES power plants.