According to data published by the National Institute for Statistics (INS), in the first eleven months of 2021, Romania imported 2.503 million tons of oil equivalent of natural gas, which is 67.4 % (or 1.008 million tons of oil equivalent) more compared to the same period last year.
In the January-November 2021 period, the domestic natural gas production amounted to around 6.6 million tons of oil equivalent, 0.4 %
(28,900 tons of oil equivalent) below the same period in 2020.
The National Strategy and Forecast Commission (CNSP) estimated for this year a gas production of 7.4 million tons of oil equivalent and imports of 2.32 million tons of oil equivalent, up by 1.5 % and 38 % compared to 2020, respectively. For 2022, CNSP forecasts a production of 7.475 million tons of oil equivalent (+ 1 %) and imports of 2.795 million tons of oil equivalent (+ 20.5 %).
According to the Energy Strategy 2019-2030, with a view to 2050, Romania’s natural gas production will reach a peak of 132 TWh in 2025, as a result of production in the Black Sea and then will it would decrease to 96 TWh in 2030 and to 65 TWh in 2050. Final natural gas consumption will remain constant between 2030 and 2050, at the level of 68 TWh. The maximum level of demand is estimated at around 73 TWh, and the minimum level, from 63 TWh in 2030, to 47 TWh in 2050.