Bosnian company Etmax from Banja Luka is seeking the concession from the Government of the Republic of Srpska (RS) for the construction and operation of a solar power plant near Nevesinje, a project worth over 50 million euros.
The future Nevesinje solar power plant will have an installed capacity of 60 MW, with estimated annual electricity generation of 84 GWh. RS Government has determined the conditions for granting the concession, and the Ministry of Energy and Mining will conduct a negotiation procedure. They have 60 days to submit a report to the Government, a proposal for a decision on the award of a concession and a proposal for a concession agreement. The negotiation procedure begins with the submission of a bid and a feasibility study to RS Government by a potential concessionaire.
The concession will be granted for a period of up to 50 years, counting from the day of concluding the contract. Otherwise, the investor will be obliged to pay a one-time concession fee of some 260,000 euros and 0.0028 euros for each kilowatt of electricity produced.
The company Etmax has been represented for a long time in Herzegovina, where it has built dozens, mostly small-scale solar power plants. Last year, they reported revenues of 3.75 million euros and made a profit of some 600,000 euros.